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Categories ArchivesBiomechanics

Maintenance Fitness Sifu Slim with Billy Beyer, Physique Competitor video Billy Beyer, owner of Fitness Center and Physique Competitor Sifu Slim, author/speak/coach Plank Levels How to sit in a chair -- chest up, shoulders back, plant your back against the chair. Maintenance vs. Performance Shape Once per week fitness or running -- Weekend Warrior Maintenance is a challenging concept for some. One should think of one goal to get fit and develop a new goal to sustain fitness. Please subscribe. More videos every month. Books available on Amazon. Search SIFU ...

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What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet? Sifu Slim with Steve Shepard video

What's In Your Medicine Cabinet? Sifu Slim with Steve Shepard Sifu Slim, author/speaker/wellness coach... Steve Shepard, Bodyworker/Film Maker... "I take a no agenda approach to bodywork, allowing your body to guide the session, ensuring an experience specifically tailored to your unique, individual needs." Most people have Advil or Ibuprofen or Aspirin in their medicine cabinets, desks, and pouches/purses. See THE REVERSE OF THE PLACEBO EFFECT at 30:02 How else can we reduce inflammation? What are some historically natural ways to seek to reduce inflammation? Watching the health decline of our parents. Never forget the importance of DOWNTIME! This allows your system to reorganize itself and for your cells to rebuild in a non-stressful period. Natural therapies for reducing inflammation: - Rest, hydration, physical movement, massage - Breathing, posture, meditation - ...

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Sifu Slim & Isaac Osborne Speak on biomechanics. 2013 video

Sifu Slim & Isaac Osborne Speak on biomechanics. 2013 Sifu Slim and Isaac Osborne Speak on biomechanics, pain, performance, and posture therapy. We started out with the goal of talking about the feet, but the feet are connected to the ankle, and this led us to other areas on the kinetic chain and the circle of life.; We're both available for corporate wellness consulting and ...

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BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald, former professional athlete and martial arts instructor video

BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald, former professional athlete and martial arts instructor BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald. The BMI misnomer. Are you kidding me? Intro video for the BMI series. (The BMI Index) The medical community had to start somewhere. They whipped the BMI into the norm and now too many people live by ...

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