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Kirk Mango, 3-Times Hall of Fame Athlete Gymnast, testimonial for Sifu Slim video

Kirk Mango, Former Division 1 National Champion for men’s gymnastics, 3-Time All American, 3-Time Hall of Fame Athlete, and author: "Becoming a True Champion" talks about Sifu Slim’s lifelong pursuit of a more balanced lifestyle with a center focus on lifelong fitness. Kirk Mango’s career as a physical education teacher, coach and author promote very similar ...

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The Two Sifus – Head Injuries video

The Two Sifus - Head Injuries 1 - Doing The Right Thing For The Brain Young people sometimes believe they are "bullet proof and invincible." The death of boxer Patrick Day due to brain injury. Eliminate the gloves in MMA. The role of gloves is to protect the hands. How many times can you take blows to the head, over and over? Why does your shut down when your head is taking blows? Bare-knuckle boxing is apparently making a comeback. Heavyweights wear 10-oz gloves. The Successful Fight Teams started to go with reduced sparring and lighter with sparring in 2009. The old-school ways of Muy Thai Kickboxing's - Stand there, come in straight and bang. Headgear means you can hit harder... it's role is to prevent cuts. Good sleep is ...

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Gregory Berge, Mindset Coach (Coach Mental) pour les Athletes video

Part 1: Gregory Berge, France, avec Sifu Slim, USA - Performance vs Bien- Gregory Berge, Mindset Coach (Coach Mental) pour les Athletes Sifu Slim, Author, Speaker, Coach - If you want to meet interesting people, get up early and go see whom you can find. Si vous voulez rencontrer des gens intéressants, levez-vous tôt et allez voir qui vous pouvez trouver. - Athletes want to succeed in their port discipline, but aren't usually prepared for the time after that. Les athlètes veulent réussir dans leur discipline portuaire, mais ne sont généralement pas préparés pour le moment qui suit. - Young athletes and kids in the neighborhood are sometimes even more competitive and daring than the age 20s and 30s athletes. This is perhaps because of someone ...

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John Hackleman… ThePit.TV MMA Coach with Sifu Slim on Athletic Balance video

John Hackleman... ThePit.TV MMA Coach with Sifu Slim on Athletic Balance Sifu is also available for speaking and coaching. Some Highlights of The Conversation Are you a martial artist or a partial artist? Walter Gooding, Martial Arts in HI. Hardcore martial arts, tough. Spent some time in prison. Can you defend yourself in a real situation, when you or another's life is in peril? Chuck Lidell, MMA Fighter was a longtime member of The Pit Gym in Arroyo Grande, CA The Pit was started in 1985 by John Hackleman Are You Raising A Child Athlete? book by Sifu Slim Sifu has interviewed more than 1,400 high performance athletes, including military, dancers, firefighters, police, contractors and sports and endurance athletes. What they shared can be found in his books ...

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Aging Athletes and Weekend Warriors, Get Off The Couch. Sedentary Nation and The Aging Athlete video

Sifu Slim joins Dave Ferguson on his show "Beyond The Cheers" on BlogTalk Radio! Aging Athletes and Weekend Warriors, Get Off The Couch. Sifu Slim is the author of Sedentary Nation and The Aging Athlete, books that get you moving and healthy. 7:35 Karōshi: death by overwork from Wiki: Karōshi (過労死), which can be translated literally as "overwork death" in Japanese, is occupational sudden mortality. The major medical causes of karōshi deaths are heart attack and stroke due to stress and a starvation diet. This phenomenon is also widespread in other parts of Asia as well. The first case of karōshi was reported in 1969 with the stroke-related death of a 29-year-old male worker in the shipping department of Japan's largest newspaper company. The term ...

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Juan Erudito con Sifu Slim video

Juan Erudito Part 1 con Sifu Slim, Autor de Parque de Ruedas de La 4 Sur. Juan Erudito Part 2 con Sifu Slim. Juan Erudito Part 3 con Sifu Slim. Juan Erudito Part 4 con Sifu Slim. Juan Erudito Part 5 con Sifu Slim. Juan Erudito Part 6 con Sifu Slim. Esto es parte de una serie de 6 videos que conforman la entrevista y conversación entre Sifu Slim y Juan el erudito. This is part of a series of 6 videos that make up the interview and conversation between Sifu Slim and Juan el erudito. Juan es un erudito, investigador cuya madre fue ministra en el govierno de Colombia. Juan is a scholar, researcher whose mother was a minister in Colombian government. Underground Video Productions How to be ...

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Paula, Profesora de Yoga. Testimonial Sifu Slim Charla sobre Intuición en español video

Paula Gutierrez, Profesora de Yoga en Medellín. AMMA VIVA Yoga Medellin Testimonial for Sifu Slim en español En este taller, el autor Californiano Sifu Slim, nos ayudará a desarrollar nuestra intuición para: 1. Ser más flexible con los cambios que se presentan en nuestra vida diaria 2. Ahorrar mucho tiempo de lectura y pensamiento. 3. Escuchar la voz de la precaución. 4. Ser más abierto e identificar a las personas adecuadas para ti 5. Identificar tu VERDADERO sentido de propósito para que puedas conocer la mejor dirección para tu vida Cuándo: Martes 2 de Abril Dónde: Borneo, Provenza Perfil del facilitador: 🚹➡️ Sifu Slim es un investigador, orador y autor del estilo de vida de bienestar. Ha estudiado ...

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Cristina Poveda Spanish Testimonial en español for Sifu Slim Presenter on Intuition. video

Cristina Poveda, Directrora de Eventos de Medellín. Testimonial for Sifu Slim en español. En este taller, el autor Californiano Sifu Slim, nos ayudará a desarrollar nuestra intuición para: 1. Ser más flexible con los cambios que se presentan en nuestra vida diaria 2. Ahorrar mucho tiempo de lectura y pensamiento. 3. Escuchar la voz de la precaución. 4. Ser más abierto e identificar a las personas adecuadas para ti 5. Identificar tu VERDADERO sentido de propósito para que puedas conocer la mejor dirección para tu vida Cuándo: Martes 2 de Abril Dónde: Borneo, Provenza Perfil del facilitador: 🚹➡️ Sifu Slim es un investigador, orador y autor del estilo de vida de bienestar. Ha estudiado cazadores-recolectores durante más de ...

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