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Lochte vs Latka Fun in Rio Olympics Ryan Lochte Drunk Arrest at Gas Station video

Lochte vs Latka Fun in Rio Olympics Ryan Lochte Drunk Arrest at Gas Station. Lochte vs Latka Fun in Rio Olympics ... FIND THE FUN Sifu Slim, the old dog, teaches the younger dogs new tricks. Need a Life Coach/Wellness Coach. Contact Swimmers' Rules: Always shower before entering pool. What is alcohol for? How silly is fine but inebriation can get you in trouble. $ 10 MILLION REASONS you don't want to lose your sponsorship... a big Oops! The Aging Athlete Project by Sifu Slim We will do virtual and real back-flips for your LIKES and COMMENTS on ...

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Sifu Slim Age 18 Forever, a Fitness Goal… Santa Barbara Morning Fitness in Winter video

Sifu Slim Age 18 Forever, a Fitness Goal... Santa Barbara Morning Fitness in Winter How fit were you at age 18? Why didn't you simply stay there? High performance athletes may shoot for doubling their strength from age 18 to 25 and dropping their sprint times by seconds. Then, when they leave their high performance years -- at age 28 or whenever they leave -- they tend to dip way down in fitness and even in health. Go to or to learn the philosophy of being 18 ...

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