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Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim 8 29 16 on his book Sedentary Nation video

Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim 8 29 16 on his book Sedentary Nation. Your Great-Great Grandparents’ Guide To Healthy Living Take Lifestyle Pointers From 1910 So You Can Thrive Today Obesity, illness, stress, addiction, and muscle fatigue can all be linked to a lifestyle ill-suited for modern humans in a fast-paced world. Today, the quest for hyper productivity, digital connection, and ultra convenience leaves so many people wired and out of balance. In a culture that sees more information as better, author Sifu Slim takes a step back 100 years in the attempt to keep things simple. He leads with what he learned from growing up on a small farm: “The body is still the body just as plants are still ...

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The Evolution of Michael Phelps Performance Training vs Wellness Training video

The Evolution of Michael Phelps Performance Training vs Wellness Training. The Michael Phelps Challenge: Part of Sifu’s wellness awareness platform to reduce sedentary/neurotic behavior. In 2009, as part of The Aging Athlete Project, Sifu Slim produced a friendly yet vital challenge to the then age 24 Michael Phelps. See (https://youtu.be/XkHJdGLDImk) The Video called for then two-time Olympian Michael, to brake the sedentary and excessive lifestyle cycle of the typical aging athlete. To do this, he should stay physically active and add new forms to his fitness program. He would thrive if her learned physical movement that is Recrea-tional, Rehabilitative, Playful, and Maintenance Oriented and also get out in nature and avoid being sedentary for long duration. During the Rio Olympics, Sifu Slim watched The ...

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Don’t Be Fitness Idiots. Sifu Slim on Butt Exercises, Posture, and Learning video

Don't Be Fitness Idiots Aloha Brothers and Sisters 7 4 16 Queen's Beach Park, Oahu. Don't be fitness idiots Exercises for your butt. Gluteus maximus and gluteus medius from VeryWell.com To impress intelligent and balanced people, you have to become intelligent and balanced. Bring a book to the bus stop. Always carry a book. Don't be a literary slacker. Don't be an indoor idiot. Self-mastery and becoming adept. Expand your mind and firm up your ...

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Sifu Slim and Brent CMT on Is Coffee Bad For You part 1 video

Sifu Slim and Brent CMT on Is Coffee Bad For You part 1 Coffee is a neuro-transformer and may contain contaminants used or contracted on its way from farm to store. Don't forget how molds and fungi may (and frequently do, see the available literature on this) proliferate in moist growing areas, ship hulls, and storage facilities. Sifu Slim, a proponent of natural living, understands the coffee break. But, what's in far too many break rooms: donuts, machine snacks, coffee, soda, water kept in plastic and more items of poor nutrition. What do you think should be available in break rooms at your job? For more on these related topics read SEDENTARY NATION on ...

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Karōshi or a Left Turn à la French image

Have you heard about what the Japanese call karōshi, death by overwork? What westerners call occupational sudden death typically results from heart attack or stroke due to stress and exhaustion. And the statistics from Japan are startling—from overwork, people are suffering death or breakdown while still in their 20s and 30s. Stereotypically, it has long been held that Japanese businesspeople show pride in their work and in their companies. It is common to hear stories of them working excessive hours to win the day or earn their keep. But, if the end of the day results in physical or mental breakdown, is the reality check worth paying? One fifteen-year-old Japanese exchange student I met found it interesting that I knew the ...

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