The Napa Valley Workout
Our Price: $24.95
The Business Traveler’s Workout – Napa Valley. One of the premier tourist destinations in California and home of some of the world’s finer wines, Napa Valley is simply spectacular! It’s revered for its perfect climate and exposure to grow superb grapes. The Valley also provides the perfect setting for an enjoyable maintenance workout.
These days a round of golf may take 5½ hours (in the sun) plus the meal afterwards. A round at a resort course plus lunch and cart may run over $200. This fitness plan is free, lasts under an hour, and is a lot less aggravating. Plus, it burns calories and helps keep your back happy!
The business traveler may set up meetings in one of the nearby cities and then turn to Napa for recreation. If a wrist and elbow workout is all you want, then try the wine tasting in one of the many wineries. If you want to pay back your body and mind for the recent hard work, try the Napa Valley Workout.
This workout features a warm-up run; an extensive neck, back, and shoulder pre-workout stretching routine; and a fabulous bar workout right on the public equipment in a playground area. The trick, get there before the kids show up and have the place all to yourself. As you make use of proper breathing and biomechanically sound stances, this workout will keep you fit and trim without causing your body harm. If your fitness has been lacking, take it easy-just do these exercises in low-impact style and do less reps. Treat yourself better than a good dog owner treats his dog. Take yourself out to the park and allow yourself time to unwind and get into the flow. Michael Phelps will be doing something like this when he hits middle age. He’s going to have to at least try it; we’re sending him a free copy!
We salute Paavo Nurmi, Emil Zatopek, Jesse Owens, Mark Spitz and Michael Phelps, and all of the past and current Olympians! We hope that former competitive athletes and former military men and women will continue to practice maintenance fitness as they age. Fitness = Health, or at least a good chance at it!