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Teen Sports Radio Santa Barbara

Bill Martinez Live, Nationally Syndicated to 270 markets. Your Great-Great Grandparents Guide To Healthy Living!

KARN Cumulus Radio, Nationally syndicated host Kevin Miller interviews Sifu Slim on his book Sedentary Nation

WHPC, Long Island

CKLW-Radio Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland

KNDD Radio, Seattle

CHQR, Calgary

KAHI Radio, Sacramento

Radio Costa del Sol, Spain



Mindfulness Retreat Umbria

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, National Conference, Washington DC

Business Owners’ Conference, Quebec City, Canada



California Writers’ Club

University of Richmond

Savvy Investors Group

University of California Santa Barbara


The Cheers Radio Show. Aging Athletes and Weekend Warriors, Get Off The Couch. Sedentary Nation and The Aging Athlete


Dr. Jill Stocker, The Body Well USA: Are You Raising a Child Athlete?


Athletic Coaching – Sifu Slim in Conversation with Coach Mac McCluskey


Mary Jane Popp 9 interviews Sifu Slim, author of Sedentary Nation
“PoppOff”, is a nationally syndicated radio show hosted by Mary Jane Popp, who is celebrating over 4 decades in radio
KAHI-AM 950;


Khabir Southwick in conversation with Sifu Slim
Ducks mostly Live in the PRESENT


Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim on his book Sedentary Nation


Performance vs Wellness and Maintenance in The Aging Athlete
Conversation One with Coach Matt Hank, Strength & Conditioning Coach. Kinesiology Instructor. NSCA Chapter Director.


Speaker at: This is Your Brain of Coffee at Pecha Kucha


Speaking Reel


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