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Sifu Slim Testimonial for Birla Vedic Center – Chénéville près du Lac Simon video

A very well-intentioned retreat center northwest of Montreal, Canada Part I Birla Vedic Center - Conversation about Educating Youth for Balance with Sifu Slim Part II Birla Vedic Center - Conversation about Educating Youth for Balance with Sifu Slim Part II Birla Vedic Center - Part II - Conversation about Educating Youth for Balance with Sifu Slim Ghanshyam Singh Birla Founder of the Birla Vedic Center and the Birla College of Vedic Palmistry Northwest of Montreal, Canada in CHÉNÉVILLE. Guylaine Vallée Vedic Palmistry Consultant, Teacher & Media ...

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Birla Vedic Center Conversation about Educating Youth for Balance video

Part I Birla Vedic Center - Conversation about Educating Youth for Balance with Sifu Slim Part I Birla Vedic Center Ghanshyam Singh Birla - Founder of the Birla Vedic Center and the Birla College of Vedic Palmistry Northwest of Montreal, Canada in CHÉNÉVILLE. Guylaine Vallée - Vedic Palmistry Consultant, Teacher & Media Personality Part II Birla Center - Conversation about Educating Youth for Balance with Sifu ...

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Let People Recreate at Public Schools video

Let People Recreate at Public Schools - Scottsdale - Let the community in! It's a public space... Why are you locking people out of open spaces that are in the public domain? Movement and recreation are for everyone. Get off your digital devices and recreate. Super-sized, digitally addicted people are not supposed to be forced into private gyms as a penalty for being overweight and sedentary. People naturally want to move. Where is the wellness these ...

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Preparation – The Key to Almost Anything…Torrey Pines video

It's all about preparation. Here at Torrey Pines Golf Course, the crew was already setting up bleachers and other crowd and pro essentials over one month in advance of the Farmers' Insurance Open. Training is a big part of preparation. Training in a balanced way leads to confidence. While winging things is part of life, preparation leads to positivity in most parts of our lives. Preparation helps with: 1. Athletics 2. Health and Meal 'preparation' 3. Relationships 4. Automobile functionality 5. Schoolwork and Advancement 6. Planting and Picking our ...

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Trade for Services – Wellness, Fitness, and Life Coach video

Sifu Slim Offer of Services... And, Potential Trade for Services I could use your help in furthering my message. The goal is to help people and the world not just survive but thrive. Everyone needs the services I provide. The timing of willingness does not always coincide. So, when I require a service, I offer my services in trade. I have a long list of things in which I am skilled. In terms of wellness, I can help you - relieve pain naturally - improve o your energy o your diet and eating schedule o your digestion o drive at work and at home o your fitness and wellness o your relationships with others o your brain health and memory o your sitting, sleeping, and standing posture - reduce o stress o inflammation I can ...

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Secrets to Writing Your Book – Get Your Book Done Now video

Writing and Editing of Written and Spoken Works. Books, Articles, Content by Sifu Slim Non-Fiction, Fiction, Speeches, and other Content. The Interview Process Hire A Professional for Your Writing and Editing Needs Content Creation Process Editing Jules Verne How not to be boring and how to avoid putting your readers to sleep Seeking The Cure by Ira Rutkow The Courier of the Tzar by Jules Verne (1825 - 1905) Learning Curve by Catherine Aird Rain Man by Leonore Fleischer Personality & Personal Growth by Robert Frager & James ...

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Dr. Randy Sports Psychologist testimonial for Sifu Slim Movement Therapy video

Randy PhD, Clinical and Sports Psychologist testimonial for Sifu Slim Movement Therapy Mindfulness Retreat in Italy Get on the email list for the next session. Via, Send a note with your email in the body of the email. Say, "Email list for Mindfulness and Wellness Retreats." or Say, "Contact me." And mention the reason. The Activity ...

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