Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim 8 29 16 on his book Sedentary Nation.

Your Great-Great Grandparents’ Guide To Healthy Living
Take Lifestyle Pointers From 1910 So You Can Thrive Today

Obesity, illness, stress, addiction, and muscle fatigue can all be linked to a lifestyle ill-suited for modern humans in a fast-paced world. Today, the quest for hyper productivity, digital connection, and ultra convenience leaves so many people wired and out of balance.
In a culture that sees more information as better, author Sifu Slim takes a step back 100 years in the attempt to keep things simple.

He leads with what he learned from growing up on a small farm: “The body is still the body just as plants are still plants. Living things need nurturing.”

What can we learn from those hearty souls of yesteryear who were strong enough to survive a very hard existence and still enjoy life?

Movement is good and it’s the number one generator of healthy mind and body—and a good night’s sleep. “Sitting,” the saying goes, “is the new smoking.” Getting off the sofa, disconnecting from the digital world, and getting away from the sedentary lifestyle is the key. From inactive sitting at desks all day to a dependency on electronic gadgets, we’ve become a sedentary nation of people who seek comfort yet live in discomfort. “The years around 1910,” Sifu explains, “was a time of movement in relationship to food, family, and work.” It’s time we take a page from their lifestyle, using their practical and proven ways of sound life-work balance?

Discussion Questions

● What are your 12 steps for a happy and fit living?
● Why was the general population from 1910 much less depressed and more healthy?
● Is the medical community partly to blame for today’s decreasing unwellness?
● What three events in the 1970s spelled disaster for our healthy wellbeing?
● What is the “unplug challenge” and how does it work?

About Sifu Slim
Sifu (Cantonese for Teacher or Master) Slim, a Fitness and Wellness Educator and Professional Speaker, is the Pioneer of 18 Forever, and The Business Traveler’s Workout. He created the 15-Minute mini workout for busy travelers who are on the road. Sifu is a proponent of the Jack LaLanne style daily fitness program which has served to create the healthy lifestyle habit in his devotees. Sifu keeps it simple and flowing and mixes in moves from his years in Martial Arts and as an amateur athlete. He also chooses the most effective and accessible exercises from his daily workout to fit the time and health goal requirements of those who follow his teachings.

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