Rorian and Rickson gather together some of their top teachers/top belts and head to Coronado Island to grapple with US Marines.
This was like a pizza delivery for Gracie in Action. You don't have to come to us to try your luck.
We come to you for the butt kicking. "Special delivery--a submission...Tips are appreciated."
The Marines look at them and wonder: "What are these skinny guys in kimonos going to be able to demonstrate to us?"
Rorian asks for the strongest Marine. They have him put a headlock on the Gracie's smallest representative. The man in question was only a purple belt who weighed about 155. And then the action starts.
This is a late-night video I shot in 2011 of Master ...
BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald, former professional athlete and martial arts instructor
BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald.
The BMI misnomer. Are you kidding me?
Intro video for the BMI series. (The BMI Index)
The medical community had to start somewhere. They whipped the BMI into the norm and now too many people live by ...
The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo, of Royce Gracie vs Kimo Leopoldo UFC 3 1994 by Two Sifus Who Care
Pretty impressive battle by both fighters. Kimo was a newcomer to MMA. Royce was the Two-time champion and a very advanced fighter.
See our info on
The word from Sifu Mike is that there was a significant theme of ADDING STUFF -- martial arts background, belts you never earned, etc. -- to some of the competitors (notably Kimo and Gary Goodrich) to BUILD UP THE FIGHTS by building up backgrounds. See our other video that mentions this topic.
Kimo was a large, athletic, former football player and current weight trainer who had previously suffered severely debilitating injuries and likely ...
superb teenager fucks innocently for long.wikipedia reference hot wife fucking two guys.
wikipedia reference slow carnal fellatio.
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