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Dr. Alex Concepcion and Sifu Slim Maintenance and Sedentary Lifestyles video

Dr. Alex and Sifu on Maintenance and Sedentary Lifestyles 5 19 17 - Maintenance vs Performance 2:45: Strength training is important. 3:09: We too often compress ourselves instead of extending our bodies. 3:18: Our musculature should be about 80% of what holds us up. 3:30: Ultimately your ligaments are attached bone to bone. They are not designed to bear weight. 3:40: According to a NASA study, after about 20' of sitting, your nervous system goes idle. 5:30: Chiropractors are for more than just neck and back pain. 5:45: Pain has become an epidemic. 6:27: An intervention, a chiropractic adjustment, can not only relieve pain but can help correct an underlying cause. 6:50: Elimination, Fasting, Peristalsis 7:17: Twice a day is preferable for moving the bowels. 8:37: There are many health issues ...

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What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet? Sifu Slim with Steve Shepard video

What's In Your Medicine Cabinet? Sifu Slim with Steve Shepard Sifu Slim, author/speaker/wellness coach... Steve Shepard, Bodyworker/Film Maker... "I take a no agenda approach to bodywork, allowing your body to guide the session, ensuring an experience specifically tailored to your unique, individual needs." Most people have Advil or Ibuprofen or Aspirin in their medicine cabinets, desks, and pouches/purses. See THE REVERSE OF THE PLACEBO EFFECT at 30:02 How else can we reduce inflammation? What are some historically natural ways to seek to reduce inflammation? Watching the health decline of our parents. Never forget the importance of DOWNTIME! This allows your system to reorganize itself and for your cells to rebuild in a non-stressful period. Natural therapies for reducing inflammation: - Rest, hydration, physical movement, massage - Breathing, posture, meditation - ...

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