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Natural movement that combines Yoga, Pilates, Aerobics, Anaerobics/HITC, functional training, and resistance stretching.

Exercises for mind, body, and spirit!

Classes all summer long!

Group or Individual (1.25 hours)
(Individual Classes available at hourly rate)

YogaP Class Prices
1 class15 € Get 1 Class
2 - 5 classes paid up front.13.50 € per class Get 2 Classes for 27 €

Get 5 Classes for 67.50 €
7 - 15 classes paid up front.12.50 € per classGet 7 Classes 87.50 €

Get 10 Classes for 125 €

Get 15 Classes for 187.50 €

Send an email for class descriptions and reservations.

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    “Ich liebe YogaP!”

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    For YogaP, we are in bare feet, grounded to the earth, feeling the sunrise, and breathing in camaraderie and nature’s blessing. Because this is done in a meditative state, it becomes a Zen experience rather than a normal exercise session.

    YogaP includes the easy and effective part of what pro skiers, runners, and other athletes have been practicing since the late ’80s. This hybrid program is soft like easy-listening music yet structured like classical music. Functional training/Yoga P is made up of a group of exercises and positions which promote functional and brain-oxygenating breathing, postural strength, and structural support. This may include the hip medley, the superman pose, the plank, and other exercises adapted from yoga, rehabilitation therapy, exercise science, and sports medicine. This is a relatively simple and easy full-body workout whose goal is to be a nice complement to your yoga practice and other physical activities. It’s great therapy for both athletes and non athletes. I haven’t posted a video on YogaP but I have posted one on some of the exercises that make up the rehabilitative side of these classes: See Video



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