This video was shot at UCSB in February 2010. The president wrote me an e-mail the following day for feedback: "Most of our speakers stand at the lecturn and talk to us for an hour. You moved around with energy and engaged the audience. The group really appreciated that. Great ...
The Aging Athlete book one by Sifu Slim
The Aging Athlete book one features 9 former and current world-class athletes. These athletes moved into the aging process while continuing to do daily physical activity to maintain their bodies and minds.
An idea that has some currency in sports psychology holds that performance athletes have only so many total minutes of emotional and physical energy to draw upon. As that thinking goes, once the minutes are used up, the machine stops or its driver is simply unwilling to go on.
Adopting the mindset of those athletes who do maintain physicality, we can follow their path and can keep moving for a lifetime of recreational enjoyment and wellness. This book provides aging athletes, as ...
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