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Categories ArchivesThe Game of Balance

The Game of Balance – Junior Athletes. Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 3 video

The Game of Balance - Junior Athletes. Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 3 :10 What we really learned from Quantum physics is that everything is energy and ultimately consciousness. We are all one. There is no separation. :30 Separation is in our minds. :57 Our economic model determines our consciousness. 1:05 Because of this, we have a false consciousness. 1:23 Fear separates us. 2:01 Peer pressure growing up disconnects us. Pressure from trying to fit in. 2:14 We had pressures from our teachers, our coaches, our parents, and ourselves. There were concerns about our performances. 2:36 Dieter and Sifu were raised in the aftermath of WWI, The Depression, and WWII and all of the fear that was generated. 3:10 Today's Western kids don't have as much lack of ...

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The Game of Balance – Junior Athletes. Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 2 video

Conversation about Sifu Slim's book: The Game of Balance - Junior Athletes. What Elite Athletes Wish Their Parents Had Told Them. Vital Information For Your Junior Athlete Sifu Slim in conversation with former elite sailor and current Yoga man Dieter Runge. In the late '70s, Dieter was one of the first German members of the punk rock scene in New York. :12 In the last few years I have not missed a day of yoga. For years, I only missed a handful of days. :20 If your body demands that you take a break, take the break. :30 I never have to force myself, this is what I want to do. This is where I feel alive. :45 I'm 68 years old. In terms of integrity and alignment, ...

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The Game of Balance – Junior Athletes – Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 1 video

The Game of Balance - Junior Athletes. Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 1 Conversation about Sifu Slim's book: The Game of Balance - Junior Athletes. What Elite Athletes Wish Their Parents Had Told Them. Vital Information For Your Junior Athlete Sifu Slim in conversation with former elite sailor and current Yoga man Dieter Runge. In the late '70s, Dieter was one of the first German members of the punk rock scene in New York. 1:00 An artists who likes to move around 1:30 World-Class Sailor 1:50 As a Rock 'n' Roller, I moved around 2:00 I first started with meditation and Tai Chi... movement with consciousness is very central. 3:50 Sifu's books: Sedentary Nation. The Aging Athlete. 4:38 What happens to the peak performers as they age? 5:20 When they leave ...

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