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Kirk Kodama and Sifu Slim Intro to Fascia video

Kirk Kodama and Sifu Slim, Intro to Fascia -- Part I Intro to Fascia Kirk and Sifu 1 25 17 Please subscribe to my YouTube channel What is Fascia? Plantar Fasciitis Treating our bodies the right way Fascia release   Kirk and Sifu Part II - The Hidden Importance of Fascia Kirk and Sifu Part II - Aiea, Oahu Fascia 101 Understanding Fascia and Stretching   Kirk Kodama and Sifu Slim -- Overcoming Fitness Limitations part III Kirk and Sifu part III Aiea, Hawaii on Oahu Proprioception Fascia 101 The Biomechanical Importance of Fascia How functional strength makes Yoga even better -- it's more supported Biomechanical Issues Fascia, the unsung hero of the body It's good to warm up your body and your fascia The fascia feeds the brain information The body always protects ...

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