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Why I Do Maintenance Outdoors video

This is why Sifu Slim Works Out Outdoors Kaneohe Beach Park 5 19 17 ¡Que manana mas linda! - Get on Maintenance That's how we take care of our cars. That way they don't break down - Prevention - Get the emotional release - Don't be excessive - Be smooth: Plus tranquille, más tranquillo - Feel better in mind, body, and spirit See and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

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Dr. Alex Concepcion and Sifu Slim Maintenance and Sedentary Lifestyles video

Dr. Alex and Sifu on Maintenance and Sedentary Lifestyles 5 19 17 - Maintenance vs Performance 2:45: Strength training is important. 3:09: We too often compress ourselves instead of extending our bodies. 3:18: Our musculature should be about 80% of what holds us up. 3:30: Ultimately your ligaments are attached bone to bone. They are not designed to bear weight. 3:40: According to a NASA study, after about 20' of sitting, your nervous system goes idle. 5:30: Chiropractors are for more than just neck and back pain. 5:45: Pain has become an epidemic. 6:27: An intervention, a chiropractic adjustment, can not only relieve pain but can help correct an underlying cause. 6:50: Elimination, Fasting, Peristalsis 7:17: Twice a day is preferable for moving the bowels. 8:37: There are many health issues ...

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How to Set Up poncho and mat and be grounded to the Earth Part 1 video

How to Set Up poncho and mat and be grounded to the Earth Part 1 The Important Steps for the Maintenance Workout 1. Set up the Mat in a Good Spot. I use level spot or incline or picnic table. 2. Use a Poncho or Shower Curtain to protect the Yoga Mat. 3. Bring a small pillow. Wrap it in something to protect it. 4. No shoes needed unless you need safety around glass, etc. 5. You should strive to be grounded to the Earth. Look up 'grounding' or earthing. Skin should touch ground or concrete. 6. Do these exercises with no food in your stomach 7. Maintenance is how we take care of most of our stuff. Get on physical ...

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Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim 8 29 16 on his book Sedentary Nation video

Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim 8 29 16 on his book Sedentary Nation. Your Great-Great Grandparents’ Guide To Healthy Living Take Lifestyle Pointers From 1910 So You Can Thrive Today Obesity, illness, stress, addiction, and muscle fatigue can all be linked to a lifestyle ill-suited for modern humans in a fast-paced world. Today, the quest for hyper productivity, digital connection, and ultra convenience leaves so many people wired and out of balance. In a culture that sees more information as better, author Sifu Slim takes a step back 100 years in the attempt to keep things simple. He leads with what he learned from growing up on a small farm: “The body is still the body just as plants are still ...

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The Evolution of Michael Phelps Performance Training vs Wellness Training video

The Evolution of Michael Phelps Performance Training vs Wellness Training. The Michael Phelps Challenge: Part of Sifu’s wellness awareness platform to reduce sedentary/neurotic behavior. In 2009, as part of The Aging Athlete Project, Sifu Slim produced a friendly yet vital challenge to the then age 24 Michael Phelps. See ( The Video called for then two-time Olympian Michael, to brake the sedentary and excessive lifestyle cycle of the typical aging athlete. To do this, he should stay physically active and add new forms to his fitness program. He would thrive if her learned physical movement that is Recrea-tional, Rehabilitative, Playful, and Maintenance Oriented and also get out in nature and avoid being sedentary for long duration. During the Rio Olympics, Sifu Slim watched The ...

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Performance vs Wellness and Maintenance video

Performance vs Wellness and Maintenance in The Aging Athlete (LTAD) NSCA An Initiation to the existence of Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Sifu Slim, Author, Presenter, Coach Conversation One with Coach Matt Hank, Strength & Conditioning Coach. Kinesiology Instructor. NSCA Chapter Director. We will do virtual and real back-flips for your LIKES and COMMENTS on ...

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Testimonial For Creative Publishing Book Design video

Testimonial For Creative Publishing Book Design Author Testimonial for Ghislain has been a pleasure to deal with over the course of my book projects. He has set me on the right path for the professional look and feel. Throughout the editing and publication process, Ghislain was professional and friendly. An ace at what he does--help those with deadlines generate quality works! Talk to Ghislain and tell him you were referred by Sifu Slim. We will do virtual and real back-flips for your LIKES and COMMENTS on ...

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Demo of Royce Gracie vs Kimo Leopoldo UFC 3 1994 (part 3) video

The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo, of Royce Gracie vs Kimo Leopoldo UFC 3 1994 by Two Sifus Who Care Pretty impressive battle by both fighters. Kimo was a newcomer to MMA. Royce was the Two-time champion and a very advanced fighter. See our info on and The word from Sifu Mike is that there was a significant theme of ADDING STUFF -- martial arts background, belts you never earned, etc. -- to some of the competitors (notably Kimo and Gary Goodrich) to BUILD UP THE FIGHTS by building up backgrounds. See our other video that mentions this topic. Kimo was a large, athletic, former football player and current weight trainer who had previously suffered severely debilitating injuries and likely ...

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The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo: Intro Video UFC Fight Breakdowns y Mas video

The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo: Intro Video UFC Fight Breakdowns y Mas The Two Sifus Fight TD Intro Video. We are two happy martial arts practitioners. Sifu Slim, on left, is a fitness guru--see and recreational BJJ practitioner whose older body can still slither and shrimp. Sifu Mike, on right, is a lifelong martial arts with over a dozen black belts and former MMA fighter. He is a coach to grappling competitors, Chinese Dragon Parade dancers, and MMA tourney participants, (Sifu Mike) You have two choices, you can agree with me or be wrong. (Sifu Slim) You may or may not agree with our opinions. But we are two legitimate Sifus who care. We really do... ask anyone. They'll tell ...

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