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Categories ArchivesThe Aging Person

Aging Athletes and Weekend Warriors, Get Off The Couch. Sedentary Nation and The Aging Athlete video

Sifu Slim joins Dave Ferguson on his show "Beyond The Cheers" on BlogTalk Radio! Aging Athletes and Weekend Warriors, Get Off The Couch. Sifu Slim is the author of Sedentary Nation and The Aging Athlete, books that get you moving and healthy. 7:35 Karōshi: death by overwork from Wiki: Karōshi (過労死), which can be translated literally as "overwork death" in Japanese, is occupational sudden mortality. The major medical causes of karōshi deaths are heart attack and stroke due to stress and a starvation diet. This phenomenon is also widespread in other parts of Asia as well. The first case of karōshi was reported in 1969 with the stroke-related death of a 29-year-old male worker in the shipping department of Japan's largest newspaper company. The term ...

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Dr. Bill Gallivan and Sifu Slim: What Elite Athletes Wish Their Parents Had Told Them 8′ version video

Book Number Three by Sifu Slim: What Elite Athletes Wish Their Parents Had Told Them Vital information for your Junior Athlete Is it more important to win the big game or have a well life? Performance Training vs Wellness Training Dr. Bill Gallivan, 4th Generation Surgeon Multiple Sport Athlete and still a Rugby Player in his late 50s Father/Mentor/Coach of Five Junior Athletes Sifu Slim, Author, Speaker, ...

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Why People Should Walk and Climb Steps on Their Own video

Sifu Slim on Why People Should Walk and Climb Steps on Their Own If you're not completely disabled--mind, body, and spirit--it's important to keep moving... and climbing. Movement means walking and climbing. Here, an approximately 75-year-old leaves a church in the Austrian Alps and navigates some challenging, old-school steps. The church is situated on a hill. The walkways are mostly cobblestones that see a lot of rain and snow. The steps were originally built during the Renaissance. They of course have been updated. This woman--yes, she's wearing a style of suit normally worn by men--goes to church by herself and walks home by herself. If anyone think her walking is a negative, I don't get you. We can either wear away or rust away. Which would a sane, ...

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Eva Tcholakova Volleyball Intro to Interview: Sifu Slim’s The Aging Athlete video

Eva Tcholakoca Ft. DeRussy Beach Honolulu 3 2017 What makes me tick? What drives me? See Appearing in Book Two - Eva Tcholakova. Former Pro Beach and Indoor Volleyball Player Sofia, Bulgaria. Junior National Team Champion Longbeach State. Pro Tour - Valencia ...

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Eva Tcholakova Professional Volleyball – Testimonial The Aging Athlete Project video

Eva Tcholakova Professional Volleyball. Testimonial For Sifu Slim The Aging Athlete Project The first female athlete to appear in The Aging Athlete Series (under construction) Sofia Bulgaria Junior National Champion Team Member 1995 Former Pro Beach and Indoor Volleyball Player Eva coaching in 2017. (coming soon) Learning and Having Fun at the same time. Youth and Adults Eva Tcholakova, Sofia Bulgaria, Junior National Champion Team Member. Pro Beach Volleyball player and Pro Indoor ...

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Sifu Slim with Dick Wullaert, PhD, age 79, on Diet and Wellness video

Sifu Slim with Dick Wullaert, PhD, age 79, on Diet and Wellness Water science and water Research Dick Wullaert, PhD., Stanford Graduate in Engineering. The Aging Athlete Series In his 80s (starting soon), Dick still plays basketball with 20-year-olds. Why are you interested in heath? What is so great about life? Autoimmune information: Autoimmune Fix by Tom O'Bryan, D.C. Gut health of pregnant mothers Mothers' microbiome and autism Hashimoto's Disease Colon Health Gluten and leaky gut syndrome What type of drink would a 16-year-old athlete reach for? What type of drink are professional athletes reaching for? Why are people listening to quarterback Tom Brady and his healthful lifestyle? Please join this YouTube channel Feel free to donate at and pick up a copy of books: http://Sedentary Nation and http://The Aging ...

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Performance vs Wellness and Maintenance video

Performance vs Wellness and Maintenance in The Aging Athlete (LTAD) NSCA An Initiation to the existence of Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Sifu Slim, Author, Presenter, Coach Conversation One with Coach Matt Hank, Strength & Conditioning Coach. Kinesiology Instructor. NSCA Chapter Director. We will do virtual and real back-flips for your LIKES and COMMENTS on ...

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BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald, former professional athlete and martial arts instructor video

BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald, former professional athlete and martial arts instructor BMI is BS per Sifu Mike McDonald. The BMI misnomer. Are you kidding me? Intro video for the BMI series. (The BMI Index) The medical community had to start somewhere. They whipped the BMI into the norm and now too many people live by ...

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The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo on Royce Gracie vs Kimo Leoplodo UFC 3 (Part 2) video

The Two Sifus Talk on Royce vs Kimo at Valhalla ETC on State Street in Santa Barbara. Filmed by Sony MMA Flux Capcitor on it's own, 4 14 16 Conclusion: Royce is the real deal. He would likely have won no matter how this fight progressed--he was the more skilled and experienced MMA fighter at the time. Royce practices to go with no time limit. Kimo was not ready for a long-duration battle at this time and had no professional MMA experience. Royce was, however, fatigued. In our opinion, he was fatigued both mentally and physically and arrived at this bout already compromised from both a neck injury which occurred in the weeks before this fight as well as mental ...

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The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo, on Royce Gracie vs Kimo Leopoldo UFC 3 (part 1) video

The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo, on Royce Gracie vs Kimo Leopoldo UFC 3 (part 1) The Two Sifus Talk on Royce vs Kimo while they sit on physio balls at Valhalla ETC on State Street in Santa Barbara. Filmed by Sony MMA Surround Flux Capacitor on it's own, 4 14 16 Conclusion: Royce is the real deal. He would likely have won no matter how this fight progressed--he was the more skilled and more experienced MMA fighter at the time. Unauthorized drones on loan from Spetsnaz could not have upset the slim Brazilian warrior. Royce practices to go with no time limit. Kimo was not ready for a long-duration battle at this time and had no professional MMA ...

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