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Parallel Pull-Ups Part 1 video

Sifu Slim intro with parallel pull-ups part one Kahalu'u Hawaii. Sifu Slim says: Get oudoors! Go au naturel! Be the ball! Find yourself! Get grounded! Try your personal best when you are ready. I did 20 in college but today's number was decent, especially given my current age: 54. And being a long and lean ectomorph. 12 18 16 We will do virtual and real back-flips for your LIKES and COMMENTS ...

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YogaP Sample. Sifu Slim multiple exercises list for Physician Approval video

This list was generated for review by a physician to determine if any of these should be avoided for now for a specific fitness student who has some lower back issues. Part of the Maintenance Workout series of exercises includes YogaP--A mixture of Yoga postures, functional training, stretching, and strengthening exercises. Sifu is showing the exercise options for a physician's approval. He is not leading people through an exercise routine. These are just some sample exercises that may or may not be incorporated into a person's APPROVED fitness program, depending on a health professional's recommendations for a specific person. Notice that Sifu is outdoors, seeing the color green (and brown because of Santa Barbara's long-lasting drought in 2015), and that his ...

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Sifu Slim Author of Sedentary Nation, Interview by Mary Jane Popp 9 1 16 video

Sifu Slim Author of Sedentary Nation, Interview by Mary Jane Popp 9 1 16. Sedentary Nation “PoppOff”, is a nationally syndicated radio show hosted by Mary Jane Popp, who is celebrating over 4 decades in radio KAHI-AM 950; Obesity, illness, stress, addiction, and muscle fatigue can all be linked to a lifestyle ill-suited for modern humans in a fast-paced world. Today, the quest for hyper productivity, digital connection, and ultra convenience leaves so many people wired and out of balance. In a culture that sees more information as better, author Sifu Slim takes a step back 100 years in the attempt to keep things simple. He leads with what he learned from growing up on a small farm: “The body is still the ...

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Ducks mostly Live in the PRESENT: Khabir Southwick in conversation with Sifu Slim 8 30 16 video

Ducks mostly Live in the PRESENT: Khabir Southwick in conversation with Sifu Slim 8 30 16. Khabir shares his thoughts on: Life as a duck - Dealing with Death Living in the Present Ayurvedic - Learning from Masters in India Khabir's Mother who was a Nutritionist and worked for the World Health Organization Ojai, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Dubai, Rishikesh Traditional Naturopath, Master Herbalist, Nutritional Therapist, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist Member of the of the American Herbalist Guild, Ayurveda Institute & the National Ayurvedic Medical Association Sifu Slim, wellness coach, speaker, and author of Sedentary Nation and The Aging Athlete We will do virtual and real back-flips for your LIKES and COMMENTS on ...

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Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim 8 29 16 on his book Sedentary Nation video

Kevin Miller KARN Cumulus Radio interviews Sifu Slim 8 29 16 on his book Sedentary Nation. Your Great-Great Grandparents’ Guide To Healthy Living Take Lifestyle Pointers From 1910 So You Can Thrive Today Obesity, illness, stress, addiction, and muscle fatigue can all be linked to a lifestyle ill-suited for modern humans in a fast-paced world. Today, the quest for hyper productivity, digital connection, and ultra convenience leaves so many people wired and out of balance. In a culture that sees more information as better, author Sifu Slim takes a step back 100 years in the attempt to keep things simple. He leads with what he learned from growing up on a small farm: “The body is still the body just as plants are still ...

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Sifu Slim short version Michael Phelps Challenge Two video

Sifu Slim short version Michael Phelps Challenge Two. The Michael Phelps Challenge: Part of Sifu’s marketing and wellness awareness platform to reduce sedentary/neurotic behavior. In 2009, as part of The Aging Athlete Project, Sifu Slim produced a friendly yet vital challenge to the then age 24 Michael Phelps. See ( The Video called for then two-time Olympian Michael, to brake the sedentary and excessive lifestyle cycle of the typical aging athlete. To do this, he should stay physically active and add new forms to his fitness program. He would thrive if her learned physical movement that is Recrea-tional, Rehabilitative, Playful, and Maintenance Oriented and also get out in nature and avoid being sedentary for long duration. During the Rio Olympics, Sifu Slim watched The ...

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Performance vs Wellness and Maintenance video

Performance vs Wellness and Maintenance in The Aging Athlete (LTAD) NSCA An Initiation to the existence of Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Sifu Slim, Author, Presenter, Coach Conversation One with Coach Matt Hank, Strength & Conditioning Coach. Kinesiology Instructor. NSCA Chapter Director. We will do virtual and real back-flips for your LIKES and COMMENTS on ...

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