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The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo on Royce Gracie vs Kimo Leoplodo UFC 3 (Part 2) video

The Two Sifus Talk on Royce vs Kimo at Valhalla ETC on State Street in Santa Barbara. Filmed by Sony MMA Flux Capcitor on it's own, 4 14 16 Conclusion: Royce is the real deal. He would likely have won no matter how this fight progressed--he was the more skilled and experienced MMA fighter at the time. Royce practices to go with no time limit. Kimo was not ready for a long-duration battle at this time and had no professional MMA experience. Royce was, however, fatigued. In our opinion, he was fatigued both mentally and physically and arrived at this bout already compromised from both a neck injury which occurred in the weeks before this fight as well as mental ...

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The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo: Intro Video UFC Fight Breakdowns y Mas video

The Two Sifus Fight TD, Talk and Demo: Intro Video UFC Fight Breakdowns y Mas The Two Sifus Fight TD Intro Video. We are two happy martial arts practitioners. Sifu Slim, on left, is a fitness guru--see and recreational BJJ practitioner whose older body can still slither and shrimp. Sifu Mike, on right, is a lifelong martial arts with over a dozen black belts and former MMA fighter. He is a coach to grappling competitors, Chinese Dragon Parade dancers, and MMA tourney participants, (Sifu Mike) You have two choices, you can agree with me or be wrong. (Sifu Slim) You may or may not agree with our opinions. But we are two legitimate Sifus who care. We really do... ask anyone. They'll tell ...

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