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Dr. Bill Gallivan and Sifu Slim: What Elite Athletes Wish Their Parents Had Told Them 8′ version video

Book Number Three by Sifu Slim: What Elite Athletes Wish Their Parents Had Told Them Vital information for your Junior Athlete Is it more important to win the big game or have a well life? Performance Training vs Wellness Training Dr. Bill Gallivan, 4th Generation Surgeon Multiple Sport Athlete and still a Rugby Player in his late 50s Father/Mentor/Coach of Five Junior Athletes Sifu Slim, Author, Speaker, ...

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Dr. Randy Sports Psychologist testimonial for Sifu Slim Movement Therapy video

Randy PhD, Clinical and Sports Psychologist testimonial for Sifu Slim Movement Therapy Mindfulness Retreat in Italy Get on the email list for the next session. Via, Send a note with your email in the body of the email. Say, "Email list for Mindfulness and Wellness Retreats." or Say, "Contact me." And mention the reason. The Activity ...

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Dr. Heather Shenkman Cardiologist Triathlete Vegan video

Heather Shenkman, Cardiologist: Sifu Slim, Author; Speaker; Wellness Coach: Heather Shenkman, MD, FACC, is an interventional cardiologist in practice in the Los Angeles area. She is a proponent of lowering her patients risk of heart disease through healthy lifestyle changes, including a plant-based diet and regular exercise. An avid athlete, Dr. Shenkman has completed over a hundred races of various distances. The Aging Heart question from Sifu Slim Suggested by a 4th generation orthopedic surgeon because "it's a new field in orthopedic medicine," 'The Aging Athlete' is a compelling look at the post-athletic life of athletes. Former high performance athletes, military personnel, and stage performers tend to stop doing regular, wellness enhancing physical activity on the first day they leave their former ...

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Staff Acupressure, Wellness Coaching, Stretching video

Staff Acupressure, Wellness Coaching, Stretching 2 hour session for Angel with Sifu Slim Angel: soccer player in South America as a youth. Excellent natural endurance with low heart rate at high intensity. Knee pain, back pain, compromised posture and chronic pain. Goals: 1. Alleviate lower back pain 2. Connect mind, body, and spirit 3. Teach acupressure using a staff 4. Teach structural stretching techniques 5. Improve posture 6. Get grounded After 40 minutes, pain was alleviated. Then we worked on activating all parts of the neuromuscular system and improving posture. All other goals were achieved. Herniated discs don't generally heal easily. But, if you take care of the entire body and improve movement and posture, such problems can be minimized and hopefully kept under control. We talked about wellness, fitness, diet, fasting, ...

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The Game of Balance – Junior Athletes. Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 3 video

The Game of Balance - Junior Athletes. Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 3 :10 What we really learned from Quantum physics is that everything is energy and ultimately consciousness. We are all one. There is no separation. :30 Separation is in our minds. :57 Our economic model determines our consciousness. 1:05 Because of this, we have a false consciousness. 1:23 Fear separates us. 2:01 Peer pressure growing up disconnects us. Pressure from trying to fit in. 2:14 We had pressures from our teachers, our coaches, our parents, and ourselves. There were concerns about our performances. 2:36 Dieter and Sifu were raised in the aftermath of WWI, The Depression, and WWII and all of the fear that was generated. 3:10 Today's Western kids don't have as much lack of ...

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The Game of Balance – Junior Athletes. Dieter Runge & Sifu Slim Part 2 video

Conversation about Sifu Slim's book: The Game of Balance - Junior Athletes. What Elite Athletes Wish Their Parents Had Told Them. Vital Information For Your Junior Athlete Sifu Slim in conversation with former elite sailor and current Yoga man Dieter Runge. In the late '70s, Dieter was one of the first German members of the punk rock scene in New York. :12 In the last few years I have not missed a day of yoga. For years, I only missed a handful of days. :20 If your body demands that you take a break, take the break. :30 I never have to force myself, this is what I want to do. This is where I feel alive. :45 I'm 68 years old. In terms of integrity and alignment, ...

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